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Earthquake Safety Stay Calm And Follow These Steps

Earthquake Safety: Stay Calm and Follow These Steps

Understanding Earthquakes

An earthquake is an abrupt, violent shaking of the ground caused by tectonic plate movements deep beneath the Earth's surface. Earth movements trigger vibrations that travel through the crust, causing the ground to shake.

Staying Safe During an Earthquake


If you're indoors when an earthquake strikes, stay inside. The safest place is under a sturdy table or desk, away from windows and outside walls. Cover your head and neck with your arms or a pillow. Stay there until the shaking stops.


If you're outdoors, move away from buildings, power lines, and trees. Drop to the ground and cover your head and neck until the earthquake ends. Avoid bridges, overpasses, and tunnels.

After an Earthquake:

Check for Injuries and Damage:

Check yourself and others for injuries. Inspect your home for damage, such as broken windows, water leaks, or structural cracks.

Contact Authorities:

If there's significant damage, contact the fire department or emergency services for assistance.

Turn Off Utilities:

Turn off gas, water, and electricity if necessary. This will prevent fires or leaks.

Stay Informed:

Listen to local news or emergency broadcasts for updates on the situation and any instructions.

Preparing for the Next Earthquake:

  • Secure your living space by identifying and securing heavy objects and furniture.
  • Have a predetermined meeting place for your family in case of separation.
  • Stock up on essential supplies such as water, food, a first-aid kit, and a flashlight.
  • Practice earthquake drills with your family so everyone knows what to do.
  • Get involved in community preparedness programs.


Earthquakes are a natural hazard that can cause significant damage and injuries. By following these safety steps, you can help protect yourself and your loved ones during and after an earthquake. Remember to stay calm, follow the recommended actions, and prepare for the next event.
